FAQs new - Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists


Frequently Asked Questions

• General Questions About ACSS

What is ACSS?
Who created it and when?

What is its mission?

Who are your members?

Do you have testimonials from customers about your programs?

• Questions about Membership

What are the benefits of ACSS membership?
How long is the membership?
Do you offer enterprise memberships or group packages?
I am with the government. Do you offer government pricing?
Is the membership for individuals or companies?
Who are ACSS members?
I was a member of SanctionsAlert, what is the difference?

• Questions about Access to ACSS Webinars

I am a member. How do I access the on-demand webinars that are part of my membership?
I am a member. How do I access the LIVE webinars that are part of my membership?

• Questions about the Interactive Map

Which sanctions are included in the interactive map?

• Questions about the OFAC Essentials Certificate Course

What is the OFAC Essentials Certificate Course?
I am interested in the OFAC Essentials Course, but what happens if I miss part 3 or 5 ( Virtual Classroom)?
If I take the OFAC Essentials Certificate Course, am I a Certified Sanctions Specialist?
Do you offer multiple-person packages?
What does the OFAC Certificate Course cover? Which topics?
What is the difference between the “OFAC Essentials Certificate Course” and the “CSS Certification Exam?”

• Questions about the CSS Certification Exam

What is the Certified Sanctions Specialist (CSS) Certification Exam?
What topics are covered by the CSS Exam?
How can I prepare for the CSS Exam?
Do you offer multiple-person Certification packages?
Where can I take the CSS Exam?
Why does ACSS offer a certification exam?
When can I take the CSS Exam?
How can I register for the CSS Exam?
How much is the Certification Package and What does it include?
In what language is the CSS Exam offered?
Who can take the Exam?
Will ACSS be “grandfathering” members with a lot of experience in the field, so that they don’t have to take the CSS exam?


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