Sanctions Compliance Association | Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists

Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists (ACSS)

The Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists (ACSS) is the leading sanctions and export controls association delivering best-in-class training, offering the CSS credential and fostering a dynamic, global community of sanctions and export controls professionals.



ACSS membership is designed to help you network and grow as a sanctions professional.


Membership Benefits

Gain access to industry leaders, participate in training, and tap into vital resources.

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Certified Sanctions Specialist Credentials

Our Certified Sanctions Specialist (CSS) program sets the standard for the profession. The ACSS is proud to offer a program that teaches knowledge and skills that are essential to sanctions professionals working in financial institutions, international corporations, law firms, consultancies, government and elsewhere. ACSS members passing the CSS exam, which assesses knowledge of sanctions and trade controls, are awarded the CSS credential.

Reach Us

Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists

7950 NW 53rd Street, Suite 337, Miami, FL 33166
United States

+1 305-433-7187