Accessible, affordable, recognized sanctions training. Approved courses that fit your schedule. Qualifications that will prove your value.
Keep on the Right Side of the Law
In sanctions, it is vital to have a thorough understanding of how to comply with the regulations in your jurisdiction.
Failure to do that can result in large penalties that will potentially harm your organization and negatively impact your career. The good news is – we are here to help. The ACSS has devised several trainings in conjunction with leading experts to help you and your team develop the skills needed to comply.
With ACSS, you can learn sanctions compliance online, with different curricula to meet particular demands. We offer virtual classroom courses throughout the year, and self-paced courses so that you can learn at periods convenient to you. Many professionals, businessmen and others requiring sanctions training have already benefited from ACSS trainings. Not to mention employers who have trained up their staff and saved millions in potential penalties.
All our courses are taken over four weeks and comprise: two virtual classes of 1.5 hours each, about three hours of reading, and finally, a one-hour exam. Your knowledge can be at entry level, intermediate, or advanced. On completion, you and your team will have the essential knowledge required to tackle the issues that may arise in your role as a sanctions and trade controls professional. You will be awarded a certificate of attendance and be given seven CSS CE credits.

OFAC Sanctions Essentials Training Course

OFAC Sanctions Essentials Self-Paced Training Course

OFAC Regulations Masterclass Training Course

EU Sanctions Essentials Training Course

UK Sanctions Essentials Training Course