CSS Recertification 2025 - Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists



Sanctions don’t stay still, and neither do you, as a CSS professional. That’s why every three years, you need to recertify. The CSS recertification process ensures that all certified professionals continue their commitment to development.

ACSS holds records of every certified member, so employers can confirm the credentials of future employees.

By recertifying, you retain your CSS certification and everything that comes with it. That includes:

The CSS recertification process is quick and easy. Follow the steps below.

Have the Certified Sanctions Specialist (CSS) designation

  • Only individuals who passed the CSS Examination in 2022 can apply for the recertification.

Register for Recertification

  • You can register for recertification without needing an active ACSS membership.
  • NOTE: You can pay for your recertification and membership separately if desired.

Download and complete CSS recertification form and affidavit

Meet the Continuing Education credit requirements

  • A total of 60 continuing education credits must be accumulated within a three-year cycle. These can be sanctions or export controls related courses from ACSS, internal training, or other providers.
  • Applicants will not be granted continuing education credits for activities completed prior to obtaining their CSS credential or their most recent recertification.
  • Additional credits earned past the required 60 cannot be rolled over to the following cycle.
  • The deadline for earning continuing education credits is December 15 of the year of your recertification.

Need additional credits to meet your goal?
ACSS offers conferences and training courses. Also your membership comes with over 65 hours of live and on demand sanctions webinars. Need help? Email info@sanctionsassociation.org.

Submit an online application

  • DOCUMENTATION. Applicants do not need to include supporting documentation along with the recertification application; however, they are advised to retain original copies of their supporting documents in their files in the event that ACSS should find it necessary to audit their records.

Points audit

The ACSS audit process ensures that ACSS certified individuals have complied with their recertification requirements. Audits are performed regularly. ACSS will notify selected audit candidates advising them of the processes.

Recertification Fees

If you are an active ACSS member, you are eligible for the following discounted recertification fees:

ACSS will not accept late recertification applications postmarked after March 31. Fees can be paid by credit card.