Certificate Course – OFAC Essentials Self-Paced - Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists



Beginner and Intermediate Level

Flexible Training Ticks All the Boxes

Fulfill OFAC Demands At Your
Own Speed

Look no further if you are pressured for time and need OFAC training for your compliance duties in industry and finance. Self-Paced Certificate Course has no start and due dates and takes about 3 hours to complete. It is inexpensive and provides the essential OFAC information that individuals and teams require.

Self-Paced is based on the same material as OFAC Essentials but without virtual lessons. You can enroll at any time and take the final assessment at your convenience.


“I liked the course. It’s a mixed format or videos and reading. The quality of content is excellent and very relevant”

Konstantinos Michalopoulos

Compliance Officer, MYTILINEOS S.A.
Athens, Greece

Help Keep Your Company on the Right Side of the Law –
Learn Vital OFAC Fundamentals at a Great Price

Training hours: 7

Valid for CSS Accreditation

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

You’ll start with the fundamentals

The course begins with a 30-minute introduction on the fundamentals of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). How are its sanctions applied? What are the risks of violating them? How do you locate the information you need on OFAC’s website?

You’ll probe deeper into OFAC

You will then probe deeper into the workings of OFAC, starting with its key legal authorities and moving on to discuss the common types of OFAC sanctions and prohibitions. You will look at the steps taken in the execution of sanctions and enforcement.

You’ll learn how to manage risk

In your final module of instruction, you will learn the five essential elements of a successful OFAC sanctions compliance program and understand the importance of an OFAC risk assessment and the main factors. You will be taught about the 50 percent rule for screening customers, know about OFAC lists, the basics of licenses and how to respond appropriately to an OFAC enforcement. You will be given a 30-minute, online multiple-choice exam at the end of the module.

Only part of what you will know
by the end of the course…

  • What sanctions are and how they affect business.
  • The core concepts OFAC uses in its sanctions regimes.
  • The global effect of OFAC and why it has so much power.
  • How to locate information on the OFAC website.
  • Customer due diligence.
  • The categories of OFAC sanctions regimes.
  • How OFAC enforces sanctions.
  • An understanding of who does what in OFAC’s organizational structure.
  • The five essential elements of an OFAC sanctions compliance program.
  • OFAC reporting requirements.
  • The importance of an OFAC risk enforcement.
  • An understanding of the 50 percent rule.
  • Knowledge of the OFAC lists.
  • When to apply for a specific license.

How it is structured?

part 1

Reading Assignment (30 minutes)

part 2

Self-Paced E-Learning Course (60 minutes)

part 3

Reading Assignment (30 minutes)

Part 4

E-Learning Course (90 minutes)

Part 5

E-Learning Course (90 minutes)

Part 6

Reading Assignment/Case Study (30 minutes)

Part 7

Final assessment (60 minutes)

ACSS Virtual Learning

E-learning Course

Who Takes OFAC Essentials Self-Paced?

ANYONE who needs to know the essentials of US sanctions is a prime candidate. If your work consumes most of your time, OFAC Essentials Self-Paced is the perfect choice to learn at a time that suits you. Self-Paced is based on the same material as OFAC Essentials but without virtual lessons.

Most courses are structured to a set timetable, making it difficult if not impossible for you to take if you are busy. What distinguishes OFAC Essentials Self-Paced is its structure is devised for online learning at times that you control.

ACSS students come from diverse backgrounds and have benefited from our courses. Like you, they need to keep themselves and their company on the right side of compliance law. Self-Paced does that, providing you with flexibility around the clock.

Whatever your background, it is not as important as your need to learn. We’re here to help you.

Self-Paced, Recognized OFAC Sanctions Course at the Best Price

ACSS Members


Non-ACSS Members


If you have multiple team members who can benefit from this program or wish to talk about enterprise packages, please contact for pricing and more information: support@sanctionsassociation.org