Sanctions Connect Call – Ask Me Anything with Clay Stevenson - Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists

Sanctions Connect

Ask Me Anything with Clay Stevenson

June 28, 2024 | 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM NYC


30 minutes


  • Clay Stevenson, Managing Director, Global Head of Sanctions & Embargoes, Deutsche Bank USA


Saskia Rietbroek, CSS, Executive Director, ACSS


Friday, June 28, 2024


  • 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM NYC
  • 02:00 PM – 02:30 PM London (GMT)
  • 03:00 PM – 03:30 PM Amsterdam (CET)


Bring your toughest questions on anything related to OFAC Sanctions and our speaker will do his best to work through the answers with the group.

Attendees can submit questions or hypothetical scenarios either in advance to ACSS via or on the spot during the session.

About Sanctions Connect Calls:

SanctionsConnect is an opportunity for ACSS members to join a discussion with industry experts on a monthly hot sanctions topic.

The Call is conducted by an expert in the field who sets the stage and then invites participants to contribute to the conversation.

  • Every last Friday of the month
  • It is a members-only, intimate conversation that enriches your connections and knowledge of specific sanctions topics.
  • Chatham house rules apply.
  • SanctionsConnect calls are NOT recorded, so attend live!
  • A maximum of 50 participants can attend the call. First come first served.

Event Registration

Members of the Association

This SanctionsConnect Call is included in your membership, but space is limited! If you would like to register, click below on “Register Me”

Non Members of the Association

You must be a member in order to attend this SanctionsConnect Call. To learn about ACSS membership, click here or join now.


Clay Stevenson

Managing Director, Global Head of Sanctions & Embargoes
Deutsche Bank USA

Clay Stevenson is Managing Director, Global Head of Sanctions & Embargoes for Deutsche Bank USA. He is also the Chair of the ACSS Advisory Board. Previously to his position at Deutsche Bank, he was an independent consultant specializing in economic sanctions matters, assisting clients in a variety of industries navigate the challenges of fast-changing requirements. Prior to that, from 2009 to 2017 Clay was Managing Director and the Global Economic Sanctions Executive for Bank of America Corporation, responsible for the company’s economic sanctions and anti-boycott compliance efforts, as well as a stint leading its anti-bribery / anti-corruption and Code of Ethics programs. From 2007-2009 Clay had responsibility for economic sanctions compliance at Merrill Lynch. And from 1999-2007, Clay served with the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), working first in the Compliance Division and later what is now the Office of Global Targeting, the group responsible for OFAC’s sanctions designation activities. Among his roles while at OFAC, Clay served as the first Chief of the Counter-proliferation Section within the then-Designation Investigations Division where he led a team of sanctions investigators charged with targeting the assets of weapons of mass destruction proliferators and their support networks, with particular focus on North Korea and Iran. Clay received his BA from the George Washington University and his MA from the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.

Customer Testimonials

“I really appreciated the detail and references on the slides, very helpful”.

Scott Kinney, CAMS

Compliance Manager Global Sanctions Group, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

“Great job. Very informative”.

Brianna Long

Senior Compliance Analyst Compliance and Risk Investigations and Analysis, Convera